Helene Nyman, Marie Hufnagel, Dario Rodighiero; all photos © Yanina IslaBased on interdisciplinary, practice-based research contributions by data scientist Dario Rodighiero, artist Helene Nymann, research-practitioner Ilya Vidrin, anthropologist Joe Dumit and choreographic designer Lins Derry, the interactive workshop The Quality of Slownesses in Expanded Neural Networks examines the plasticity of “Slownesses” and suggests it as a quality or modality, rather than a temporality. Exploring so-called “attentioning”, in terms of physical and neural movements, as well as more-than-human-perspectives, participants will explore how memories may be imagined in spaces of the future. This workshop is a collaboration between the research networks Experimenting, Experiencing, Reflecting (EER) and metaLAB (at) Harvard & FU Berlin. With Dario Rodighiero, Helene Nymann, Ilya Vidrin, Joseph Dumit, Lins Derry & KMM Students. Hosted and conceived by Anna-Lena Werner & Sophie Erlund
The Quality of Slownesses in Expanded Neural Networks
09.07.2024, Institute for Theatre Studies, Freie Universität Berlin
Slowmenology, the aesthetics of neurodiverse togetherness in making and learning
Joseph Dumit (EER)
A workshop on experiential learning and aesthetics with/from non-humans and then each other. Using "slownesses" as an experimental portal into the how of experience and reflection. Respondent: Sophie Erlund
I’ll be your mirror (score)
Developed by KMM-Students Melina Carabatakis, Katharina Guderjan, Tristan Mühlbauer, Daniel Kanj
Attentioning (score)
Developed by KMM-Students Alice Lena Hiepko, Marie Elise Hufnagel, Ariadna Lopez, Jaika Bahr, Mina Binder
Continuonus: Re-membering Landscapes
Helene Nymann (EER)
This workshop will explore learning through movement with and from inner and outer landscapes to remember futures, posing questions of future ancestry and how to remember in the digital age. We will explore ancient and indigenous mnemonic techniques and use data from the artwork "Carte De Continuonus" (2023), contributing to a collective mapping of emotions and remembering. Respondent: Dario Rodigiero (metaLAB)
The Choreographics of Data Systems
Lins Derry (metaLAB)
In this hybrid workshop, Lins Derry will discuss "the choreographics of data systems" or instances where choreography aids the systematic processing of data − such as when data are aestheticized, classified, or, all together, reconfigured. Respondent: Ilya Vidrin (metaLAB)
Hosted & Conceived by Anna-Lena Werner & Sophie Erlund
Project Assistance Ariadna Blanch López, Alice Lena Hiepko
Documentation Yanina Isla
Flyer Design Studio Pandan
SR 103 Institut für Theaterwissenschaft
9.30-18.30 (Hybrid from 14:00)