The Quality of Slownesses in Expanded Neural Networks_Flyer_2024

Workshop, 9 July, 2024
The Quality of Slownesses in Expanded Neural Networks
With Dario Rodighiero, Helene Nymann, Ilya Vidrin, Joseph Dumit, Lins Derry & KMM Students
Hosted and conceived by Anna-Lena Werner & Sophie Erlund

Based on interdisciplinary, practice-based research contributions by data scientist Dario Rodighiero artist Helene Nymann, research-practitioner Ilya Vidrin, anthropologist Joe Dumit and choreographic designer Lins Derry, this interactive workshop examines the plasticity of “Slownesses” and suggests it as a quality or modality, rather than a temporality. Exploring so-called “attentioning”, in terms of physical and neural movements, as well as more-than-human-perspectives, participants will explore how memories may be imagined in spaces of the future. This workshop is a collaboration between the research networks Experimenting, Experiencing, Reflecting (EER) and metaLAB (at) Harvard & FU Berlin.

SR 103 Institut für Theaterwissenschaft
9.30-18.30 (Hybrid from 14:00)
Find the full program here:


On(going)Trauma_Vierte Welt_flyer

"On(going) Trauma" 
Artistic narratives on collective and individual wounds
A discursive series in 6 parts. 
Initiated by Anna-Lena Werner & Elisa Müller / Institut für Widerstand im Postfordismus 

In joint efforts with curators, guests and participants, the discursive series On(going) Trauma provides a forum to talk about and learn from artistic and curatorial research practices in dealing with trauma from plural perspectives. Various practices are presented, in which situated knowledges and backgrounds of systematic power and violence structures are discussed, as well as activist and marginalized perspectives are illuminated. In six rounds of encounters, discourses will be addressed that deal with the following issues: media representations and image politics of violence; the growth of right-wing everyday presence; trauma embedded in and seen through bodily perspectives; traumatic witnessing and fictional (counter-)narratives; private conflicts and public discourses; as well as aspects of the fragmentary and transgenerational temporality of trauma. 

In view of current crisis situations and the growing international shifts to the right, experiences of violence are corroding our societies, but at the same time, talking about these experiences from differentiated perspectives and finding lines of solidarity is difficult. "On(going) Trauma" therefore acts as a format of exchange and encounter, created with and for artists, curators, activists, journalists and theorists. It is designed as an open conversation format, as a space of solidarity and humanitarian perspectives. At each event, excerpts from the artistic works of the invited guests are shown in the form of screenings, readings or performances. Participation is free, but seats are limited. Funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds.

Read more about the discursive series and the individual events here


25.05.2024 / 15-20.30 at Vierte Welt Berlin
Central to this first gathering of the discursive series On(going) Trauma (May-Dec 2024) are questions about representational limits and opportunities, image politics and selective framing processes of conveying war violence and traumatic events in mass media. What is at issue here is, on the one hand, the shift away from visual repetitions and reproductions of violence and, on the other hand, the creation of new methods and counter-images, as to communicate evidences of wars and conflicts. How can the atrocious images be made transparent, scrutinized, reframed? How can we learn the practice of looking at these images? Where are potentials for resistance, for visual dissent, for forming an opposition against the affects of shock and propagandistic visions? As part of this round – which has the open format of a colloquium – artists, researchers and all participants present, are invited and encouraged to discuss responses, challenges and new formats as to encounter media representations of war and trauma, the inherent power structures and the violence of images. 
With Lada Nakonechna, Lela Ahmadzai, Olexii Kuchanskyi & Omer Fast.
Hosted and curated by Anna-Lena Werner & Mykola Ridnyi
Screenings by Lela Ahmadzai "Silent Night" (2013), Sashko Protyah “My Favourite Job” (2022), Mykola Ridnyi “Regular Places” (2022), Omer Fast 


A publication resulting from the inter-institutional research project "Invitations – Archive as Event" (-> between Freie Universität Berlin and Archiv der Avantgarden (Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden) and HKW Berlin, design by Studio Pandan, published by Spector Books, Leipzig, Spring 2024.
Editors: Annette Jael Lehmann, Rudolf Fischer, Anna-Lena Werner 
Co-Editors: Marcelo Rezende, Helene Romakin